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Is Open Source CRM Suitable for Large Businesses?

Open Source CRM and Large Businesses

The adoption of open source business applications including open source CRM in large businesses is increasing exponentially year on year as enterprises seek to cut costs and drive innovation. For the last 40 years, open source software has powered everything from TV remote controls, washing machines, PC’s, smartphones and other devices right through to running business critical applications/services for organisations like Banks, London Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, NASA and the NHS.

Open Source Today

According to The Future of Open Source Survey completed in 2016, there are currently more than 1,200,000 live open source projects. With open source becoming such an important tool, this number is set to rise exponentially in years to come. Today many large businesses and organisations including European Utility companies, Deutsche Telecom, the NHS, global manufacturing companies, New York and London Stock Exchanges are reliant on business critical open source business applications including CRM.

Top Reasons Large Businesses Choose Open Source CRM?

Competitiveness and economic uncertainty prevailing int the last few years has contributed to the increase in deployment of open source CRM software in larger businesses and other enterprise organisations. During the financial many large businesses saw budgets slashed. Large businesses seeking better cost efficiency they began to consider and evaluate open source CRM solutions as an option as they offer a better economic model. As budgets began to get cut without notice, more and more larger businesses  started to look at open source CRM as there are no upfront license costs or expensive per user per month fees’ In addition as increasing number of businesses migrate to the cloud, vendor lock-in with traditional proprietary software or at legacy data centers is posing to be a problem. Open source CRM solutions align well with cloud solutions/software-as-a-service is very much in demand and common reasons for large businesses switching to open source CRM include:
  • No upfront or monthly licenses to pay for
  • The TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) can be up to 80% lower than with SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) or proprietary software
  • Access to the code, you free to innovate and customise/extend/integrate as much as you want
  • Freedom and ownership
  • No vendor lock in